The 12th Scientific Research Conference and Commendation Conference of Hengshui University is Successfully Held

作者: 时间:2023-06-26 点击数:

   On the afternoon of June 14, the 12th Scientific Research Conference and the Commendation Conference of Advanced Collectives and Exemplary Individuals in Scientific Research was held. More than 240 people, including school leaders, heads of functional departments, main leaders of teaching and research units and academic backbones, attended the conference. The meeting was chaired by Party Secretary Wang Shouzhong.

   In his speech, Wang Shouzhong requested all units and departments to carefully study the spirit of this conference after the conference, fully discuss the current situation and shortcomings faced by each unit, and put forward clear requirements for the key points of future scientific research work.

   President Wang Yongqin stated that as a powerful engine for improving the school-running level, school-running quality and core competitiveness, scientific research required us to adhere to the trinity of science and technology talent education, coordinate and link, confront new challenges with a new posture and appearance, incubate and cultivate more highlights and breakthroughs, and lay a more solid foundation for building a distinctive applied technology university.

   Vice President Wang Guangyuan and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Lu Yuanzhu delivered important speeches. The conference respectively commended scientific research units, advanced collectives, research pacesetters, and young research pacesetters for the year 2022. The award-winning representatives shared their valuable scientific research experience.

   This scientific research work conference is a re-mobilization and re-deployment work of promoting the construction of a characteristic applied technology university and deepening the school's reform of scientific research work in the "university running based on Hengshui and development pursuing for serving the local". This conference was successfully held, which will undoubtedly create a new situation for our scientific research work, inject new momentum into the quality of talent cultivation and the improvement of our ability to serve society.


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