Opening Ceremony for the 2024 Class of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (3+1 Program) Successfully Held

作者: 时间:2024-09-13 点击数:

On the morning of September 11,theopeningceremony for the 2024 class of the Mathematics and Applied Mathematics(3+1program)between Hengshui University(HSU)and University of Central Missouri (UCM), was heldboth online andinBuilding 12at HSU. Representing UCMareInterimProvost and Vice PresidentofAcademic AffairsDr.Tim Crowley, ViceProvostof Online and Learning EngagementDr.Laurel Hogue,Dean of the College of Health, Science, and TechnologyDr.Jeffrey Robertson,Chair of the Department of Mathematics, Actuarial Sciences and StatisticsDr. Phoebe McLaughlin and department facultyrepresentatives.Attendeesat HSUincludePresident of Hengshui UniversityWang Yongqin,Vice Presidents of Hengshui UniversitySong Qingxi and Wang Guangyuan, Faculty and stafffromCollegeof Mathematics and Computer Science and International Cooperation and Exchange Centeras well as82freshmenof the 2024 class. The ceremony was hosted by Vice President Song Qingxiand Dr.Laurel Hogue together, withDr. Phoebe McLaughlin and Dr.Ma Yunyan Director of International Cooperation and Exchange Center, serving asthe interpreter for both sides.




  In her openingspeech, President Wang Yongqin warmly welcomed and congratulatedall82 new students on their arrival. She also extended sincere greetings to the leaders and faculty of UCM, who have supported the development of Hengshui University and care deeply about the growth of the students. President Wang emphasized that mathematics is thefoundationof natural sciences, and applied mathematics serves as a bridge between theory and practice, with wide-ranging applications in various fields. The Mathematics and Applied Mathematics3+1cooperativeprogram betweenHSUand UCM aims to cultivate high-quality, interdisciplinary talents with a global perspective, solid mathematical foundation, outstanding innovative abilities, and excellent cross-cultural communication skills. She encouraged students to cherish theirschool period, actively engage in the international environment, enhance themselves, and become highly skilled professionals with broad horizons and strongintercultural communication skills.


  Provost Dr.Tim Crowley of UCM introduced the long-standing history and currentdevelopmentof UCMvia Zoom. He expressed his honor in participating in3+1program with HSU, hoping this program would further promotethecooperation and exchange between the two universities. He encouraged the students to study hard, improve their English, and welcomed them to join UCM to begin a new chapter in their academic and personal lives.



  Mr.Wei Lianqiu, Dean ofCollegeof Mathematics and Computer Science atHSU, provideda currentoverview oftheprogram andunique development of3+1Program. He urged students togainlearning opportunities, studyhard, manage time effectively, and strive to become international talentsultimately.Dr.Jeffrey Robertson,Dean of College of Health, Science, and Technologyat UCM,delivered a speech, introducingtheUCMeducational philosophy and encouraging the students to face challenges head-on,keep going forward, and welcoming them to study at UCM.




  During the ceremony, promotional videos from both universities were shown.Q&Asessionwas openbetween faculty and students.Juniorrepresentative Yuan Muzi and freshman representative Wang Yian delivered speeches, pledging to seize the opportunity, studyhard, and become high-quality talents with both integrity and ability, international vision, and innovative spirit.


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